Chrysocolla Rough Piece – C21


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SKU: C21 Category:


Chrysocolla is known for its calming reconciliation and reassurance

This Chrysocolla Rough Piece weighs 25g

Emotional Healing Properties – A stone of deep emotional healing. It encourages inner strength, personal power and wisdom. It balances the emotional body, relieving feelings of guilt, irritation, violence or anxieties. It is a stone of patience and tranquillity, creating mental clarity and wise decision making. Increases healthy expression and creativity. 

Physical Healing Properties – It is known to ease symptoms of arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasms. Detoxifies liver, kidneys and intestines. Regenerates pancreas, regulates insulin. Excellent for women, treating PMS and menstrual cramps.

Chakra Association – Throat, Heart and Sacral Chakras.